
Hi everyone! My name is Jackie. I am going to be a senior this coming fall! I can’t believe it.  I am in the nursing program at Fox. I hope to specialize in pediatrics eventually, but I am open to whatever area of nursing God has in store for me.

I am from Woodinville, WA. I plan on moving back to Washington when I graduate. My family and I live in the same 100 year-old farm house my dad was raised in. I am very close with my parents and siblings. I am the oldest of my family. I have two younger brothers; a 19 year-old and 17 year-old. My parents both went to UW, so we were raised from a young age to be Husky fans.

This summer I have been trying play my guitar more since I have barely any free time during the school year to play. I love food! I am excited to have time to be able to cook/bake for my family/friends. I just got back from Italy. By the end of summer, I want to try making some of my favorite pasta dishes and pizza I had during my trip. Summer is such a great time to be outdoors. Since I was a baby, my mom has organized camping trips with over 10 families from our church every year. We call it “circus camping” because of the crazy amount of people. It is always so much fun. We paddle board, inner tube, hike, ride bikes, swim, and canoe.

Another thing I missed while being in school was watching my favorite TV shows. I admit that I watch maybe a little too much Netflix. My top TV shows I love watching are: Friends, the Office, Parks and Rec, Jane the Virgin, Gilmore Girls, and Grey’ Anatomy.

Here are some of my pictures from my time in Italy! I hope you guys are enjoying your summer so far! 🙂

10 thoughts on “Hello!”

  1. Jackie!!!!

    I’m so glad you’re also in this class!

    I didn’t know you played the guitar! That’s awesome! I love the pictures you took from your trip to Italy! They are all so colorful and pretty! It seems like you had a lot of yummy food there too!

    My church also has the yearly summer camping trips! Your upcoming trip sounds super fun with lots of adventurous activities!

    Also, yes Grey’s!!! Are you all caught up? Emma and I binge watched the few episodes we missed due to Jr’s abroad immediately after we came back haha. There was so much going on in the past few episodes – it was a roller coaster.


    1. I am so glad you’re in this class too! 🙂

      Yeah I picked it up when I got really into Taylor Swift in junior high! Thank you! Yeah the colorful landscapes was one of my favorite things from the trip. I hope I can see some of your pictures of your trip sometime! Yeah I gained so much weight because of all the food! That’s awesome! Camping is so fun! No I haven’t watched grey’s for a couple seasons now 😦 I should really catch up!


      1. Yes! There are so many pictures from the trip! I think I gained like 5 pounds from all the fried food I ate haha. What was your favorite type of pasta you had while in Italy?


  2. I was so confused for a good minute.
    “I’m not a nursing major…”
    “I don’t live in Woodinville…”
    “I would LOVE to live in a 100 year old farm house!!”

    and then I figured it out, this is the girl who said she liked my name! Gave me a good laugh.

    Your pictures form your travels look so exciting! I’d love to hear more about your trip, and hwo your pasta attempts go!


    1. That is so funny! Thanks! I am glad my pictures captured how exciting the experience was 🙂 hopefully I only have positive things to say about my future pasta making!


  3. Hi Jackie! I loved seeing all of your pictures from Italy! Where was your favorite place that you visited? I loved going to Florence and Assisi when I went.

    I’m also a big Friends fan. I’ve never worked through all the seasons just watched sporadic episodes. My goal this summer is to finish it! Who is your favorite character?


    1. My favorite had to be Cinque Terre or Sorrento. I love being in the seaside areas 🙂 I agree Florence is amazing. Yay! I am so glad you’re a Friends fan too! Yes, you totally should watch it all the way through. I think Phoebe because she always has the most random, funny lines!


      1. The seaside places were great too! I like Phoebe but I think Chandler is my favorite! He is so sarcastic and I love it.


  4. Hi Jackie! I’m Stephen. Super cool that you like to cook! Definitely try making homemade pasta when you do your pasta dishes. Its hard at first, but once you get it it’s soooooo good. Also, Great TV choices! I’m in the middle of Friends right now, so no spoilers. I’ve seen the office like 12 times, so if we could work some office quotes into the conversation, that’d be awesome!


  5. Hello Jackie!
    My mom was a pediatric nurse and she LOVED it, so I hope that works out for you 🙂 When you do your “circus camping” are you all in tents or motor-homes/RVs? What’s your favorite thing to bake? My mom bakes a lot and I love when the whole house gets filled with that yummy fresh-baked-goods smell…. oh boy. Loved your pictures of Italy; my family went to Rome in 2014 and it was awesome.


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